Police Police is an 2004 Hindi-dubbed crime drama film starring Ravi Teja, Sneha and Ashutosh Rana. Venky and three of his co...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Police Police is an 2004 Hindi-dubbed crime drama film starring Ravi Teja, Sneha and Ashutosh Rana. Venky and three of his companions get chosen for the police training. They board a train where an old man and a young lady get killed and they turn into the suspects as they were in the same compartment. They risk their lives and discover the truth behind the killings. In the process he protects Sarvani, the old man's daughter, and they fall in love.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Police Police is an 2004 Hindi-dubbed crime drama film starring Ravi Teja, Sneha and Ashutosh Rana. Venky and three of his co...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Police Police