Preethse is a 2000 Kannada romantic thriller movie starring Shivarajkumar, Upendra and Sonali Bendre. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Preethse is a 2000 Kannada romantic thriller movie starring Shivarajkumar, Upendra and Sonali Bendre. The story revolves around Chandru, a mentally unstable person, who gets madly in love with Kiran. Situations however turn complicated when Surya, a close friend of Chandru, also falls in love with Kiran and decides to marry her. When Chandru gets to know the truth, what will he do? Will Chandru fight for his love or sacrifice it for his friend's happiness?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Preethse is a 2000 Kannada romantic thriller movie starring Shivarajkumar, Upendra and Sonali Bendre. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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