Premier Padmini is a 2019 emotional drama movie starring Jaggesh, Sudha Rani, Madhoo, Pramod and Hita Chandrashekhar. The sto...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Premier Padmini is a 2019 emotional drama movie starring Jaggesh, Sudha Rani, Madhoo, Pramod and Hita Chandrashekhar. The story revolves around Vinayaka, a middle-aged man, who is on the verge of seeking a divorce from his wife, Spandana. When Vinayaka goes on a long drive in his car, Premier Padmini, life take a new turn as he finds a different perspective of the existing situations. The movie throws light on various characters that depicts the value of relationships, and how life can change with one wrong decision.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Premier Padmini is a 2019 emotional drama movie starring Jaggesh, Sudha Rani, Madhoo, Pramod and Hita Chandrashekhar. The sto...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Premier Padmini