Rajadhani is a 2011 Kannada crime drama starring Prakash Rai, Yash and Chethan Chandra.The story revolves around five friends...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Rajadhani is a 2011 Kannada crime drama starring Prakash Rai, Yash and Chethan Chandra.The story revolves around five friends from poor families who want to make quick money and take the offer to kill dreaded Don Benku. However, Chetan doesn’t agree and leaves the group, while the other successfully kill Benku but get arrested and don’t get the money as promised. What would happen to the friends?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Rajadhani is a 2011 Kannada crime drama starring Prakash Rai, Yash and Chethan Chandra.The story revolves around five friends...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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