Rajani is 2009 Kannada romantic comedy film starring Upendra, Arathi Chabria, and Rangayana Raghu.The story revolves around R...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Rajani is 2009 Kannada romantic comedy film starring Upendra, Arathi Chabria, and Rangayana Raghu.The story revolves around Rajani, an unemployed software engineer, who falls in love with Sandhya, but she initially thinks he is rowdy. However, after knowing the truth, she starts liking him. However, Jakka, a gangster follows Sandhya and harasses her. Will Rajani fight Jakka for his love?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Rajani is 2009 Kannada romantic comedy film starring Upendra, Arathi Chabria, and Rangayana Raghu.The story revolves around R...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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