Salim is a 2014 Hindi thriller starring Vijay Antony, Aksha Pardasany. This is a dubbed film. Salim is a simple and dedicated...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Salim is a 2014 Hindi thriller starring Vijay Antony, Aksha Pardasany. This is a dubbed film. Salim is a simple and dedicated doctor. Nisha falls from him. But his patiens always come first. Salim goes for a party that Nisha invites him. On the way he stops to help a rape victim and can't reach the party. Nisha breaks up with him. His charitable ways get him into deeper trouble.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Salim is a 2014 Hindi thriller starring Vijay Antony, Aksha Pardasany. This is a dubbed film. Salim is a simple and dedicated...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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