Sanchari is a 2010 Kannada action drama film starring Raaj, Bianca Desai, Rangayana Raghu and Subbaraj.The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Sanchari is a 2010 Kannada action drama film starring Raaj, Bianca Desai, Rangayana Raghu and Subbaraj.The story revolves around Raj, a con man who works for Gurappa. When Gurappa decides to contest elections, he finds his opponent to be strong. So he decides to kidnap the opponent’s daughter, Bindhu, and assigns the task to Raj. However, Raj is already in love with Bindhu and must find a way to save her.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Sanchari is a 2010 Kannada action drama film starring Raaj, Bianca Desai, Rangayana Raghu and Subbaraj.The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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