Seema is a 1955 Hindi drama starring Balraj Sahni, Nutan. An orphan teenager Gauri goes to live with her uncle and his wife. ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Seema is a 1955 Hindi drama starring Balraj Sahni, Nutan. An orphan teenager Gauri goes to live with her uncle and his wife. She works for meagre wages in another house where she is accused of stealing a necklace. Gauri runs from her uncle's house only to end up in an orphanage. Gauri revolts against all the rules and beats up the man who had framed her.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Seema is a 1955 Hindi drama starring Balraj Sahni, Nutan. An orphan teenager Gauri goes to live with her uncle and his wife. ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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