Shankar Dada is an Odia dubbed action-comedy movie starring Ravi Teja, Anjali, and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles. The story...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Shankar Dada is an Odia dubbed action-comedy movie starring Ravi Teja, Anjali, and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles. The story revolves around Ravi, a collection agent, who learns about a duo, Shruti and Crazy Mohan, who cheats gullible young men in the name of love. Ravi decides to teach them a lesson but in the process, ends up falling for Shruti.
Audio Available in: Oriya
Shankar Dada is an Odia dubbed action-comedy movie starring Ravi Teja, Anjali, and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles. The story...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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Shankar Dada