Shree Partner is a 2012 Marathi romantic movie starring Padmanabh Bind, Satish Pulekar and Shweta Pagar. The film revolves ar...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Shree Partner is a 2012 Marathi romantic movie starring Padmanabh Bind, Satish Pulekar and Shweta Pagar. The film revolves around Shree, a chemist, who is frustrated in life, until he befriends Partner, a stranger who doesn’t reveal his name. In Partner, Shree finds the perfect friend, philosopher and guide with whom he can share all his concerns including his love life. But how far will this friendship go?
Audio Available in: Marathi
Shree Partner is a 2012 Marathi romantic movie starring Padmanabh Bind, Satish Pulekar and Shweta Pagar. The film revolves ar...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Shree Partner