Sundar Majhe Ghar is a 2009 Marathi drama starring Dilip Prabhavalkar, Vandanda Gupte and Rahul Mehendale. Palavi is born and...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Sundar Majhe Ghar is a 2009 Marathi drama starring Dilip Prabhavalkar, Vandanda Gupte and Rahul Mehendale. Palavi is born and brought up in a Konkan scenic coastal village. She lives in a joint family of 25 members. Her dreams and aspirations are all woven into the beautiful surroundings she has grown up in which is filled with hospitality and warmth. Palavi has deep set roots in the value of living in a joint family and the trials and tribulation which goes with it. A happy family story.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Sundar Majhe Ghar is a 2009 Marathi drama starring Dilip Prabhavalkar, Vandanda Gupte and Rahul Mehendale. Palavi is born and...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Sundar Majhe Ghar