Tiger is a 2017 Kannada action movie starring Pradeep, Nyra Banerjee, Om Puri and others. The story revolves around Ashok, wh...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Tiger is a 2017 Kannada action movie starring Pradeep, Nyra Banerjee, Om Puri and others. The story revolves around Ashok, who wants to be a police officer, but much against hs father's wishes. When Ashok saves his girlfriend from an alliance that she doesn't like, he identifies a surprising piece of information on why his father is against him becoming a police officer.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Tiger is a 2017 Kannada action movie starring Pradeep, Nyra Banerjee, Om Puri and others. The story revolves around Ashok, wh...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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