Varshadhare is a 2010 Kannada Thriller movie starring Mithun, Payal Ghosh, Suraj, Sangeetha Shetty and Ramprasad. The story b...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Varshadhare is a 2010 Kannada Thriller movie starring Mithun, Payal Ghosh, Suraj, Sangeetha Shetty and Ramprasad. The story begins with Rahul, a software engineer who aspires of creating a software to help solve bomb blasts using cellphones. Rahul's wife Mythili turns hysterical and develops split personality since he is insensitive to her feelings and desires. One of his friends Niranjan is envious and tries to discourage him from his project.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Varshadhare is a 2010 Kannada Thriller movie starring Mithun, Payal Ghosh, Suraj, Sangeetha Shetty and Ramprasad. The story b...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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