Vellakkara Durai is a 2014 Tamil romantic comedy film starring Vikram Prabhu, Sri Divya and John Vijay.The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Vellakkara Durai is a 2014 Tamil romantic comedy film starring Vikram Prabhu, Sri Divya and John Vijay.The story revolves around Murugan and Pandi who borrow money to invest in a real estate business. However, they are cheated by the broker who sells them a burial ground instead of prime property. Meanwhile, Murugan falls in love with Yamuna and needs to find a way to save her and get himself out of debt.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Vellakkara Durai is a 2014 Tamil romantic comedy film starring Vikram Prabhu, Sri Divya and John Vijay.The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Vellakkara Durai