Ya Gol Gol Dabyatla is a 2012 Marathi drama film starring Ashok Saraf, Smita Talwalkar and Santosh Juvekar.The story revolves...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Ya Gol Gol Dabyatla is a 2012 Marathi drama film starring Ashok Saraf, Smita Talwalkar and Santosh Juvekar.The story revolves around Bhajaba and Laksmi, a poor married couple, who become parents after 12 long years of marriage. When their son Digambar grows up, he starts feeling ashamed of his poor parents and tries to avoid them. He secretly gets married to a rich girl and then refuses to recognize his parents. His parents are hurt by this and Bhajaba decides to teach Digambar a lesson.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Ya Gol Gol Dabyatla is a 2012 Marathi drama film starring Ashok Saraf, Smita Talwalkar and Santosh Juvekar.The story revolves...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Ya Gol Gol Dabyatla