Yaare Neenu Cheluve is a 1998 Kannada romantic drama movie starring Ravichandran and Sangita. The story revolves around Surya...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Yaare Neenu Cheluve is a 1998 Kannada romantic drama movie starring Ravichandran and Sangita. The story revolves around Surya and Kamli, who fall in love with each other only through exchange of letters. Without seeing each other in real, the couple decide to get married. Can the couple stand by their decision or is there a twist to the whole situation?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Yaare Neenu Cheluve is a 1998 Kannada romantic drama movie starring Ravichandran and Sangita. The story revolves around Surya...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Yaare Neenu Cheluve