Yakka is a 2010 Kannada drama starring Bharath Kalyan, Subhashini, Ramesh Pawar, Mamatha, Chikkahejjaji Mahadev and others....
Audio Available in: Kannada
Yakka is a 2010 Kannada drama starring Bharath Kalyan, Subhashini, Ramesh Pawar, Mamatha, Chikkahejjaji Mahadev and others. The story is about Malla who is incharge of an ancient 'Vaade', a big house. One day two strangers Yashwanth and Kusuma arrive at the house after losing their way. Yashwanth is in love with Kusuma. But she, on the other hand, develops a strong liking for Malla. But Malla decides to unite Yashwanth and Kusuma. The story takes a turn when some more visitors arrive at the house.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Yakka is a 2010 Kannada drama starring Bharath Kalyan, Subhashini, Ramesh Pawar, Mamatha, Chikkahejjaji Mahadev and others....
Audio Available in: Kannada
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